Friday, November 6, 2009


Things are still moving forward with me taking Asea. I know that the "swine flu" is in everyone's head like CRAZY! I on the other hand am not worried about it. I keep taking my Asea and know that my body will be up for the fight if I do get the H1N1.

I also muscle test my dosages and my daughters. She has been testing for 1 oz the past few days. Her body must be fighting something! She HATES the taste of it, but drinks it to move up on her reward chart! I just know we are going to be healthier this winter!

My mom gives her dog Asea. Her dog has REALLY bad allergies to the point of losing hair. Well, she has stopped itching as long as she is taking the Asea. My mom gives her a capful ever day. She was out of it for 4 days and her dog started itching again. She can't believe how much of a difference it has made for her dog!

If I don't get pneumonia this winter I will be set on Asea for life!!! So far so good!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I ran out of my stash of Asea and didn't take it for about 4 days. This is what I noticed:

1. my exceema on my hands was coming back. I didn't realize how much it was helping that!

2. I got one of those huge oil acne glands.

3. My energy is way down.

I am pleased to say that I got my shipment today!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gary's Cold

Gary's congestion started last Saturday. Sunday it was worse and he started coughing pretty bad. He started taking Asea Sunday morning. He stayed home from work on Monday. I grounded him! I told him he wasn't allowed to do anything (including horses)!!! Tuesday he had a bit of a cough in the morning, but by that night he was feeling much better.

A cold that should have lasted a week plus...

Saturday, September 12, 2009


A few things to update about my body's response to taking Asea. Keep in mind that Asea does not heal anything. That my body is doing it's job by allowing my cells to be balanced with Asea's assistance.

1. My acne is still here, but it is BIG TIME better! My pores on my face as significantly smaller! My fine lines are leaving! I spray Asea on my face every morning and evening.

2. My sun spots on my hands are almost GONE!!!! I spray Asea on my hands in the morning and evening.

3. My shoulder pain is still here, but it is doing better.

4. My stomach pains are significantly reduced. I used to get terrible pains with drinking water! I have had a few stomach aches but I am sure they were from eating too much junk one day!

5. My nephew had a very congested nose. I had him spray the Asea in his nose and within minutes he as breathing better and told me that the next day he sprayed it and the congestion was gone in the afternoon. He is 11 years old.

6. My sister Quinn has a bone disease where extra bones have grown and cause severe pain. Within a week of taking Asea this was her response:
"At night I am usually in so much pain in my legs. The pain is so much better it is crazy!"

7. My little girl came downstairs the other day coughing and sounding congested. I gave her 1 oz. Within a few hours there was no sign of any congestion. She is 5 yrs. old.

Again I am not saying that Asea has healed any of us. This product amazes me every time I turn around. There are moments that I a not patient and really would like my back pain to be gone. But I know that my cells have a lot of work to do in my body. So one thing at a time right? :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

3 weeks

I found out that yes, my body is cleansing and that since I have ulcers that the pain in my stomach is from the cleansing. The stomach pain only lasted a few days and now my stomach has been great.

We were camping for my 3rd week pic of acne, so I will post a 4th week one. I have noticed a HUGE difference in my face! My acne is better. When I get a zit it is so much smaller than normal and I haven't had any of those huge oil gland ones. Also my pores are noticeably smaller. Even my sister commented on that! Another bonus... my fine lines are going away!!!!

My shoulder is doing better. I am now able to straighten my hair without it killing me! I could barely brush it before!

I have some lovely lumps on my breasts that I figured would be inappropriate to post a pic of! :) After spraying them topically for about a week now they are about half the size of what they were. Also I have been spraying Asea on my hands. I have sun spots and they have drastically gone down.

I have been giving some to my dog Shea daily. He has really bad elbow displasia. I really can't say if I have noticed a difference in his limp because my husband still gives him his pain killers. But I have noticed a difference in his energy for sure! He also has a huge growth on his chest. I was checking out his growth last night and it is probably half the size of what it was 2 weeks ago! I cannot believe it!!!! I will post a pic of what it looks like now so that I can document it.

As you can see I have been spraying Asea all over me and drinking it everyday. I am curious about how my body reacts with these reactive molecules. It has amazed me thus far. I am still in an experimental phase for myself. The biggest test will be this winter when I usually get every cold, flu or whatever that comes around. I really feel so blessed to have found this product and I can't wait to see what happens in the next few months!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

One week so far!

I started Asea on Friday July 31, 2009. So far I have noticed:

1. A difference in my acne.

2. My shoulder pain is lessened. It hurt to hold my hand up to put on make-up and now it doesn't bother me while I am doing my make-up. It still has pain, but it is noticeably less.

3. My stomach has been hurting and I don't know if that is maybe from the product cleansing. I will find out about that.

4. Still nothing with my back pain (patience is a virtue!).

My acne so far!

I am amazed at how quickly my face is healing. The other added bonus is that I have noticed my pores shrinking! Literally! It is amazing! I can't even count how many different products I have used and this one is WORKING!!!! I spray it on my face morning and night along with drinking it once daily.

The first pics were taken on Friday July 31, 2009 (my before pics!).

Friday August 7 - one week after the before pic.


One week after: